Saturday, 2 June 2012

Julep Nail Appliques, Or, Why Steph is Awesome

The other day I posted about my love for all things Peacock, and how I couldn't wait to see pictures from the girls who got Julep "Peacock Nail Appliques" in their Julep Cinco de Mayo Mystery Box....shortly after, Steph from Canadian Beauty Reviews commented and said she would be happy to send hers my way! 

She is the sweetest! The blogging community in general is so warm and friendly, and Steph is no exception, she is extremely generous and kind. She also has an amazing blog that I absolutely adore reading, so you should go check it out: Canadian Beauty Reviews

Anyways, yesterday I got these beauties and a lovely little note from Steph in the mail! You should have seen how excited I was when I opened my mail box!! I was having a rough day on top of things, so seeing how kind a complete stranger could be completely turned my day around.

I haven't tried them yet because I had a little accident the other day in which 4 of my nails basically ripped off :$ and I am waiting until they are grown back before I grace them with these beauties.....I can't wait to try them! I will obviiiiiously do a post once I do!!!


  1. Aww thats's soo nice!!! Such a funky nail design, have a good weekend.

  2. Aww, this week has been "Steph" is so awesome week! She's been like our blogger Santa!

  3. Thats pretty awesome! enjoy!

  4. They looks lovely! enjoy them when u can!

  5. The blogging community is just full of lovely people. The nail appliques look amazing!


  6. How sweet! I love the design. It's always great to hear gestures like this about the blogging community.

  7. That is SO nice of her!! Awesome, and i want to try ‘em! I love the design too!


  8. I would never normally wear nail appliques, but I would definitely try these! The designs are amazing.

    Alexandra xo

  9. a long white beard, ahahaha, I hope not! Thanks again Steph!! You are awesome!! (as my post title says haha). I CANNOT wait to try them!!! Just waiting for a couple of my nails to grow back so I can properly do so! And like I said, your kindness really turned my day around!!

  10. Hi lovely, I like it!!!
    Have a good week!

    Besos, desde EspaƱa, Marcela♥

  11. Aw, so nice of Steph! Hope your nails have a quick recovery & we can see those appliques on!

    1. They are almost all grown back - so hopefully I will do a post either this week or if not, next for sure :D

  12. I love the way these look! Can't wait until you tell us what you think. :)
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  13. Good luck with learning golf!! It might be difficult to get the hang of it right off the bat but I do think it's such a fun sport. I do enjoy the game a lot but I just really couldn't bear getting tan lines >-<


    1. Haha I can't believe your tan lines were bad enough to make you stop playing!!

  14. Those nail appliques look good! Hope you have fun. X

  15. Super duper sweet! :) I got these in my recent mystery box..and wouldn't you know it that my son got into it and peeled them!! GRR..luckily only one was damaged and I'll HOPEFULLY still be able to salvage them. *sigh*

  16. how sweet! those nail appliques are beautiful! i have heard nothing but good things from that brand :)
    have fun with them!


I ♥ reading all your comments & always try to reply to them all, so check back within a couple days!!