Thursday, 31 May 2012

One Lovely Blog Award

As I've already mentioned Here - I think Blog Awards are a really cute idea and a good way to discover some awesome and lovely blogs and give some appreciation/traffic to some of your favourite blogs!

Marcela from Fashionadictas gave me this "One Lovely Blog Award". If you haven't already, you should check out her blog! She always has amazing runway photos paired with amazing artwork. And when I say paired, I don't mean haphazardly - every piece of artwork is carefully picked to match exactly with an aspect of the fashion, almost seamlessly. It's really quite amazing how she does it!

I'm not sure how many blogs I am supposed to pass this around to in return, but I'm just going to point you all in the direction of 5 of my favourite blogs that I haven't already mentioned Here - (there are 8 more lovely blogs on that link)

Without further ado, I nominate..... (aha, yes I know this isn't the Oscars):


  1. Thanks Z!!! I appreciate it soo much, I can't believe how loving the blogging community is. I honestly didn't think I was gonna have more than 2 subscribers but now I have 18.. I am soooo happpppppyy, and couldn't be more grateful. Have a great night.

    1. I doubted if I'd even have 1 subscriber haha! It really is a friendly community :)

  2. Hi lovely, thank you very much for your sweet comment!!!
    I'm very happy follow your blog, dear!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥♥♥

    1. I meant every word - your blog really showcases your talent of perfectly matching art and fashion!

  3. Thank you for your friendship!!!!

  4. Oh thank you so much!!!! This is so wonderful - I couldn't believe it when I saw my blog up there! I love blog awards as well :) I will have to do a post on this soon.

  5. What a cute little award :) I agree with you blogger awards are such a nice way to spread the love! You deserve this


  6. Congratulations on the award, Z! And thank you so much for nominating me :)

  7. Congratulations on receiving the award!

    I am in love with the Travalo!! It's so easy to fill and I always pop it into my handbag and I can then reapply perfume whenever I want to.


    1. I need to find out where to buy one! I went to Sephora the other day but they said they didn't sell them, and the atomizers they have there you have to spray into, not like the pump with the travalo :(

    2. Z you can get it at Shoppers, or Pharmasave if you have one close to you. I got mine @ shoppers, the pink and black polka dot one:)

    3. oh my gosh, thank you! I am going to go get one!


I ♥ reading all your comments & always try to reply to them all, so check back within a couple days!!