Friday, 18 May 2012

Favourites of the Day: May 18th

1. Fly Over States by Jason Aldean:
 I know that Country isn't for everyone (though it should be :P) so my obsession with this song (as a country lover) might not persuade any of you to take a listen...BUT you should! Country lover or non-country lover, check it out! It's lovely :)

Photo from Pinterest
2. Tea-Cup Candles:
How cute are these?!? I am clearly going to go to a thrift store and buy a bunch of teacups to make these for myself/as gifts for friends! Does anyone know where you get the wax to melt into them though? I've never made a candle before :S Help!

Photo from ShopBop
3. Anything Peacock:
So in case you haven't noticed from my Blog Header.... I really like peacocks! I think peacock feathers are so pretty! These stockings are so elegant/sexy - I want a pair! I have a gorgeous peacock feather necklace that I am currently obsessed with. I was hoping to get the peacock appliques in my Cinco De Mayo Box but alas it was not meant to be, I will just have to fawn over the pictures of all the lucky girls who did (please do take photos of them on!) 

4. 8 Tracks:
If you haven't heard of 8 Tracks go check it out! It's a website where users create online playlists (with themes/genres) and anyone can listen! There are thousands (maybe millions?) of playlists to choose from - and it's a great way to discover new music! It's of course, totally free!

5. Alba Coconut Milk Body Cream:
I like to put on body lotion after getting out of the shower. I just finished a tub of this one - it makes my legs SO SO SMOOTH! I am also probably biased because it smells like coconuts....slightly obsessed with the scent right now.... It's kind of goopy/watery compared to say Body-Butters from the body-shop, but once it goes on your skin it dries completely and isn't sticky/watery. Mmmm silky smooth coconut magic.... Alba is made with all Organic Ingredients, Sulphate Free, and 100% vegetarian too = reducing environmental impact! (and yes, of course I recycled the container when I was finished....Read my Earth Day Post!)

It's a long weekend here in Canada so I am taking off, and I am also really really busy with work right now - so I am going to be M.I.A for a little while, but I hope everyone has a lovely long (or short!) weekend!!



  1. I love anything with peacock feathers too & those tea cup candles are too cute! :D

  2. The tea cup candles are so cute!! Let us know how it goes if you make them! :)
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and following- followed you back :)


  3. I love love love peacocks's a sick obsession with me. It's funny because any other kind of bird I think their feathers are gross! lol

    I think you can probably buy candle making stuff at Michael's. Just melt beeswax and pour it in. Don't forget the wick!! heheh. I guess you could also melt a regular candle and pour it in a teacup. I also really love teacups.

    I have to obsess in my mind or minimally or my house would look like a circus! :S

    1. Haha I totally WOULD have done something silly like forgotten the wick! I am definitely going to go get wax from Michaels and teacups from a thrift store and try these out as soon as I get some breathing time from work (and will of course post photos of my attempt...)!

    2. Have you had a chance to try yet??? :) Nooo pressure..hehe ;)

    3. Haha I actually did buy the teacups!! But I haven't had the chance to get the wax yet - I've been swamped at work. But hopefully this weekend!

    4. It's okay, I totally understand. I always have the best of intentions and I'm the queen of unfinished projects! ;)

    5. I WILL finish them I swear!

  4. Those teacup candles are so cute! Lovely decor idea :)

  5. Are those peacock tights?? OMG, I'M IN LOVE.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. Oh my gosh, are you sure about that?! That's far too generous! You're the sweetest! I'm going to send you an email quizzing you/hassling you to make sure you reallllllllllly don't want them first :P

  7. Replies
    1. It's a really great way to discover new music!

  8. Listening to the song now and loving everything else! Great links!

    Thanks for sharing.


  9. Great favourites! Those candles are so cute and I need to try that body cream since I am obsessed with coconut too! And I happen to love country music so I love your choice of song :)


  10. I love the tea cup candles!! I am going to figure out how to make them. What a great, creative gift!


  11. Fun picks! Loving those peacock tights!


  12. The teacup candles are so cute.


  13. Hey Z! I just did a post on re- wicking a candle, you can totally make that! You can buy all types of wick at Micheal's ;)

    1. It looks so easy! Once I get the time to get down to Michaels (the one near me isn't actually that close...) I'm all set! I already have the teacups


I ♥ reading all your comments & always try to reply to them all, so check back within a couple days!!